AstoundSound® 3D RTI™ spatial audio plugin

Is there a manual or any instructions how to use the AstoundSound® 3D RTI™ spatial audio plugin?

To use an AstoundSound RTI panner, delete the 3D Panner on the event’s master track and insert an AstoundSound RTI in its place. The RTI plug-in is ideal for stereo projects and works over headphones and speakers.

The ‘Reverb’ dial controls the amount of early reflections which help with the localization of the sound around you. This is subtle and different to the game’s reverb send effect. The ‘Enhanced’ button switches on a more complex reverb algorithm which can yield better results at the expense of extra CPU usage.

To use AstoundSound RTI in your game, you will need to purchase the plug-in by emailing .

We’re working on updating the docs as well as providing an example Event - these will be available soon.