Inconsistent playback of sound event audio track

in the game I’m working on (built in Java) i have one event that is set to occur several times in the game. It has 4-5 audio tracks in it (including 2 that loop within loop regions) with one parameter that gradually makes the the sound more intense as it goes from 0-1. The first audio track (the main loop and most distinguishing part of this sound event), when triggered in-game, will often not play back during this event. I hear the other layers of the track except for the first audio track. Everytime I play back through the game this happens in different areas of the game, so it’s not always the same (frustrating). For a while it always happened in one place area of the game (where the event was called on 3 times if the player had triggered all 3 areas), but now it’s happening in other areas as well. This is while testing the game on my OSX desktop build, so there are no memory issues (which might occur with android/iOS). I’m thinking of just moving the event to a different slot (2nd or 3rd) or putting in a dummy audio track that is track 1 just to see if that changes anything. Any other ideas? Voice stealing is set to ‘off’…

hey - if it helps anyone, here’s what we tracked down to be the issue. in code, this event was set to always be playing (i didn’t know this) so it would only fade in to be audible when the game object it worked with was in the game by use of a parameter value. In code, the channel limit was also set to 32 (i didn’t know this), so with this being the oldest voice (since it was playing, always) when new tracks piled on top, it’s priority was quite low and wouldn’t be heard (even with voice stealing off in fmod…the 32 channel limit in code would steal it anyhow). We simply increased the number of channels available in code and it was all good…