Net Stream doesnt work on UnrealEngine


I followed your example for the net stream.

result = system->createSound("", FMOD_CREATESTREAM | FMOD_NONBLOCKING, 0, &sound);    

Is ok, but:

result = sound->getOpenState(&openstate, &percent, &starving, 0);

Say : “Error: FMOD sound error! (18) File not found.”

Do you have any idea?

Thank you in advance!

What version of UE4 and the FMOD Integration are you using?

Sorry, I missed that.
UE4: 4.14, FMOD: 1.08.15

Hi and happy new year,

Do you have some news for me?

To use net stream in Unreal, you will need to tell the sound to bypass the file IO system.

 info.cbsize = sizeof(info);
 info.ignoresetfilesystem = true;
 lowlevelsystem->createSound(url, FMOD_CREATESTREAM, &info, &sound);
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Thank you very much!