Sound works in Unreal Editor 4.18 but not in packaged version. Errors during validation.

Heyo - My audio works perfectly fine inside the editor, but when packaged the game is completely silent. I’m using Unreal Engine 4.18.

In Unreal, if I select Validate FMOD, I get the following message:

The Studio tool is different to the version the integration was built against. The integration may not be able to load the banks that the tool builds.

Built Version: 1.10.04
DLL Version: 1.10.04
Studio Version: -83684416.675.-357658432

We recommend using the Studio tool that matches the integration.

I’ve tried re-downloading the integration and reinstalling the executable and I continue to get the above message. I am also getting errors during packaging about not finding ‘OculusSpatializerFMOD’ plugin. I’ve verified that it is in the FMOD Plugins folder. Any ideas? Thanks!

Unreal 4.18
Windows 10
8g RAM

What version of FMOD Studio are you using to build the banks?