FMOD Parameter to Unity v2

Hello, I can’t solve this problem, I’ve made FMOD parameter “health” (range 0-100), and I want it to link with Player Health in Unity, so when Player’s health drops below 30% it will trigger FMOD parameter “Health” with simple low filter cutoff. When I’m implement code into Unity, it gets me the following errors, please check my script, I’ve added comments:

  using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
    using FMOD.Studio;
    public class MusicControl : MonoBehaviour {
        public string explosion = "event:/EXPLOSION";
        public string shoot = "event:/SHOOT SOUND";
        public string menuMusic = "event:/MENU MUSIC";
    	int val;
        public FMOD.Studio.EventInstance musicEv;
        public FMOD.Studio.ParameterInstance musicPar;
        void Start()
    	//music for menu, I'm call this function when my stage starts(menu game)
        public void MenuMusic()
            musicEv = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(menuMusic);
    	//music for level 1, I'm call this function when my stage starts(level game)
        public void LevelMusic() 
            musicEv = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(menuMusic);
            musicEv.setParameterValue("FIGHT MUSIC", 100f);
            musicEv.getParameter("HEALTH", out musicPar);
    	//I'm call this function when stages is close up
        public void StopMusic()
    	// I'm take current Health from Player script
        void Update()
            val = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent<Player>().stats.curHealth;
            musicPar.setValue(val); //Unity gives me an error - NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object MusicControl.Update () (at Assets/MusicControl.cs:147)

I’m assuming MenuMusic() or LevelMusic() get called somewhere else, it is possible the Update() function will run before the event has been created. You would null check the parameter instance before trying to set it.