Xcode 7 build problem

I’m using Unity version 5.2 and the FMOD intergration 1.06.10.

I can make a build successfully in Xcode, and Archive it. But when I try to export or validate the archive I get the following error:

Error Domain=DVTFoundationNSBundleAdditionsErrorDomain Code=1 “Couldn’t load Info dictionary for DVTFilePath:0x7fa8f6d10850:’/Users/[REDACTED]/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2015-09-19/Unity-iPhone 9-19-15, 11.07 AM.xcarchive/Products/Applications/[REDACTED].app/fmodstudio.bundle’” UserInfo=0x7fa8f5f39f90 {NSLocalizedDescription=Couldn’t load Info dictionary for DVTFilePath:0x7fa8f6d10850:’/Users/[REDACTED]/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2015-09-19/Unity-iPhone 9-19-15, 11.07 AM.xcarchive/Products/Applications/[REDACTED].app/fmodstudio.bundle’}

I’ve Googled around and I can’t find anything useful about this error. The project builds fine in Xcode 6.


Unity iOS builds shouldn’t have any FMOD related bundles in it. The OSX bundles are being incorrectly added by Unity. Make sure the bundle settings for fmod.bundle, fmodl.bundle, fmodstudio.bundle and fmodstudiol.bundle are set to only enable on Editor and Standalone.

enter image description here

Ok, thanks! Working in Xcode 6 for now but I will try your answer when moving up.